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Nasya therapy / Nasya panchakarma

Panchakarma Nasya Therapy : 

Traditional Ayurvedic treatment known as Nasya therapy has significant advantages for mental and physical health. Nasya is a term that comes from the Sanskrit word “Nasa,” which meaning nose. It refers to the practice of applying herbal oils, liquids, or powders directly into the nasal passages. This therapeutic approach is well-known for improving general health and having therapeutic benefits on a range of illnesses. At Lifewin, Nasya therapy is customised to meet each patient’s needs and provides a natural means of healing and rejuvenation under the knowledgeable direction of Dr. Anuj Tyagi.

Understanding Nasya Therapy – The foundation of Nasya therapy is the idea that the nasal passages serve as a portal between the brain and the body. Nasya is the application of medicinal ingredients through the nose with the intention of cleaning, nourishing, and revitalising the head and neck area. This helps to maintain equilibrium in the doshas (bioenergetic forces) and improve prana (vital energy) flow.

Nasya works well for a number of ailments, including headaches, paralysis, sneezing, nasal congestion, eye diseases, mouth disorders, dental issues, stiff neck, voice disorders, ear infections, and other disorders linked to the Kapha energy. After Vaman Karma, Nasya is utilised to eliminate the Kapha dosha (emesis therapy). Nasya should be taken as directed by a physician or in the spring; ideally, this should last seven to twenty-one days.

Experience Holistic Healing with Nasya Karma

At Lifewin, we believe that conventional medical procedures can enhance your overall well-being. We provide Nasya Karma, a traditional Ayurvedic therapy designed to revitalise your body, mind, and spirit.

nasya therapy

What is the Nasya therapy treatment?

Nasyam, or nasya therapy, involves the administration of herbal oils, decoctions, or powders through the nasal passages. This traditional practice, originating from Ayurveda, the holistic science of life, is very helpful in promoting nose health, enhancing sensory stimulation, and enhancing respiratory health.

An Ayurvedic remedy called Nasya is used to treat disorders linked to the throat, nose, ears, sinuses, migraines, and upper gastrointestinal problems. This treatment aims to purge these organs and any imbalanced doshas from the nasal passages. As part of Nasya treatments, medicated powders, fumes, oils, or liquids are typically administered through the nose.

Nasya Treatment’s Effectiveness:

Nasya therapy, which introduces oils through the nasal passages to remove toxins from the head and neck, is especially helpful for ENT and eye-related diseases. Furthermore, it has demonstrated encouraging outcomes in disciplines including neurology, dentistry, and psychiatry.

Nasya Therapy Types:

Pratimarsha Nasya (Daily Nasal Drops):

Description: A few drops of therapeutic oil are self-administered into each nostril once a day as part of Pratimarsha Nasya.
Benefits: It promotes general respiratory wellness, avoids nasal dryness, and maintains the health of the nose. This kind of Nasya is appropriate for routine upkeep and preventative treatment.
Navana Nasya (Therapeutic Nasal Drops):
Description: A medicinal treatment called Navana Nasya involves injecting larger quantities of medicinal oils or botanical extracts into the nose.
Benefits: Certain medical conditions like sinusitis, allergies, headaches, and mental clarity are treated with it. Usually, Navana Nasya is taken under the supervision of an Ayurvedic doctor.
Shirovirechana Nasya (Cleansing Nasal Drops):
Description: Herbs that are purgative and cleaning are used in Shirovirechana Nasya as nasal drops.
Benefits: This kind of Nasya is used in Panchakarma treatments and is intended to cleanse the head region of excess doshas (bioenergetic energies). It helps to eliminate accumulated toxins (ama) from the sinuses and is good for illnesses like migraine and chronic sinusitis.
Avapeedana Nasya (Errhine Therapy):
Description: Avapeedana Nasya uses fine powders or herbal snuffs that are blown into the nostrils with a tube.
Benefits: It helps in clearing nasal congestion, improving sense perception (prana), and promoting mental clarity. Avapeedana Nasya is particularly useful in conditions where dryness or congestion in the nasal passages needs to be addressed.
Brumhana Nasya (Nourishing Nasal Drops):
Description: Brumhana Nasya involves the use of nourishing oils or ghee-based preparations that are gently administered into the nasal passages.
Benefits: It nourishes the nasal tissues, supports brain function, and enhances sensory perception. Brumhana Nasya is beneficial for individuals needing rejuvenation and nourishment of the head and neck region.

How Does Nasya Treatment Work?

Nasya treatment involves the administration of medicated substances through the nostrils, allowing them to penetrate into the nervous system (brain) and venous system (blood circulation) in and around the nasal area. These substances help to eliminate any morbidity present in the nearby region, thereby relieving blockages in the channels and effectively treating diseases. The medicated oils, juices, or powders used in Nasya treatment stimulate the vital centers of the brain, aiding in the management of specific ailments.

When performed by an experienced therapist, Nasya treatment typically does not cause any serious side effects. However, it is advisable to avoid undergoing Nasya treatment after heavy meals or Shirodhara sessions.

Herbs Applied to Nasya Treatment:

The following herbs are frequently utilized in Nasya preparations: apamarg, vidanga, hingu, tulasi, maricha, and lahsuna. Nasya formulations also use oils such anu, narayana, marichyadi, and shadbindu; guraadi, a popular preparation with herbs like shunthi, pippali, and saindhava, is one example.

what are the benefits of Nasyam Therapy or nasya panchakarma?

One of the many advantages of Nasya treatment is that it strengthens the neck, shoulders, chest, and skin. After a few weeks of therapy, it improves sensory organs and can even help prevent premature greying of the hair. Furthermore, consistent Nasya therapy is thought to enhance visual acuity.

Clears Sinuses and Relieves Congestion: Nasya therapy helps to clear accumulated mucus and relieve congestion in the nasal passages, sinuses, and throat. It is particularly beneficial for those suffering from allergies, sinusitis, or frequent colds.

Improves Mental Clarity and Concentration: The application of herbal oils or ghee through Nasya therapy nourishes the brain tissues (majja dhatu), improving cognitive function, concentration, and mental clarity. It is highly recommended for enhancing memory and promoting overall brain health.

Relieves Headaches and Migraines: By balancing the prana vayu (one of the subtypes of Vata governing the head and neck), Nasya therapy effectively alleviates headaches, migraines, and tension in the head and neck region. It provides soothing relief and helps prevent recurring episodes.

Enhances Vision and Eye Health: Nasya therapy benefits the eyes by reducing dryness, improving vision clarity, and preventing eye disorders. It also supports the lubrication of the nasal passages, which indirectly benefits ocular health.

Promotes Healthy Hair and Scalp: Regular Nasya treatments nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and improve hair texture and luster. It helps in preventing premature graying and hair loss by maintaining scalp health.

Supports Respiratory Health: Nasya therapy is effective in managing respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies by reducing inflammation, clearing phlegm, and enhancing lung function.

Balances Hormones and Enhances Vitality: This therapy helps regulate hormonal imbalances by influencing the endocrine system through the nasal mucosa. It promotes overall vitality, energy levels, and a sense of well-being.

When should you not do Nasya?

Ayurveda places great value on the therapeutic benefits of nasya treatment, which is generally safe and beneficial for most people when administered correctly and under supervision. However, there are particular situations and settings in which Nasya should not be taken in order to provide the best possible health and wellbeing.

Contraindications for Nasya Therapy:

Acute Fever: Nasya therapy should not be used in people who have an acute fever, especially if they also have chills, body aches, and a high body temperature. The introduction of drugs through the nasal passages may disrupt the body’s normal healing processes, which are already combating the infection.

Pregnancy: Even while Nasya therapy is usually regarded as safe to use while pregnant, it should only be done so under the supervision of a trained Ayurvedic practitioner. Some of the powerful effects of some plants or oils used in Nasya may have an impact on foetal development or pregnancy. Consulting a healthcare provider for personalized guidance is crucial.

Menstruation: Women are recommended not to use Nasya therapy during menstruation, particularly if it contains potent herbal compositions. The body is more sensitive during this period, which could result in unintended consequences or more discomfort. The ideal time to start Nasya treatment is after the menstrual cycle.

Immediately After Meals: It is not advisable to start Nasya therapy just after eating. In order to allow for adequate digestion, it is advised to wait at least one to two hours after meals. When using Nasya on an empty stomach, pain or nausea are possible outcomes.

Nasal Conditions or Injuries: Until the nasal passages are completely healed, people with recent nasal surgery, injuries, or active nasal infections should refrain from using Nasya therapy. Putting anything in your infected nasal passages can make things worse or slow down the healing process.

Severe Nasal Congestion: Nasya treatment might not work if nasal passages are so severely congested that breathing via the nose is difficult or blocked. Before using Nasya, clear the nasal passages with saline rinses or steam inhalation to maximise its advantages.

Chronic Medical Conditions: Individuals with chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases should approach Nasya therapy cautiously. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that the chosen herbal oils or formulations do not interact with existing medications or exacerbate underlying conditions.

What is the cost of Nasya therapy treatment?

The type of Nasya therapy utilised, the length of the treatment, the clinic or practitioner, and any supplementary herbal oils or prescription drugs can all affect how much a Nasya treatment costs. The average cost of a Nasya therapy session might be anything from $2500 and $5,000. In order to lower overall costs, some clinics or practitioners could provide bundles or discounts for several sessions. It is best to get in touch with Lifewin or the Ayurvedic clinic of your choice directly to find out the exact cost and any current discounts for Nasya treatment. This guarantees cost transparency and enables you to budget for your holistic health program appropriately.

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